$897.00 USD

Real Estate by Relationship® Academy

A modern program that shows you how to leverage your entire business by building strong relationships with the people you already know! With my academy, you'll learn how to create a sustainable business that generates a steady stream of repeat and referral business, giving you more time for yourself, your family, and your most important priorities.

Before I Tell You All About This Life Changing Program...

Let's talk about who The Academy is really for.

  • Are you tired of using outdated methods to build relationships in your business? You know the power of connecting with people, but it's time for a modern, innovative approach with proven strategies that work in today's world.
  • You are already building relationships, but you're ready to take your business to the next level, we can help. My cutting-edge techniques will elevate your success to new heights.
  • You are new to relationship-building, and it can be overwhelming. That's why I'm here to guide you on how to get started and set you up for success.
  • You are already a successful real estate agent feeling drained and limited by the constantly changing market? Take control of your life again with my transformative approach that will help you thrive in any real estate market!


You're Making The Right Decision. 

The Real Estate by Relationship® Academy will give you the tools, systems, motivation, and support you need to build your entire business by relationship.

By the end of this program, you will have systems, strategies and dialogues to......


Build Strong Client Relationships

Building strong relationships with your clients is essential in today's competitive real estate market. We will teach you how to establish trust, communicate effectively, and provide exceptional service to create loyal clients who refer you to others!


Effective Branding and Marketing

I'll teach you how to create a unique brand that stands out in a crowded market. You'll learn how to develop a strong brand message and use marketing tools to promote your business and attract new clients.


Latest Lead Generation Strategies

Not your Grandmother's training program! My program covers the latest tactics and strategies for generating business by relationship and growing your database that actually WORK! You'll learn how to use social media, email marketing, and other online tools to expand your reach.


Social Media Strategies

Learn how to utilize social media effectively to build relationships, nurture relationships and show up effectively online so that your clients want to share YOU with others! Learn how to effectively promote online the most important part of your brand, YOU!!


How to Run your Relational Based Business

Say goodbye to the time-consuming and inefficient methods of the past. We will teach you how to streamline your workflow, prioritize your time, and maximize productivity so you can close more deals and create clients for life.

What you'll get:

  • 11 Modules of Training
  • Access to the Members Only Official Facebook Group
  • Asana for Real Estate Professionals Masterclass
  • 3 Months of RELATE Coaching
  • Special Members Only Webinars

I Can't WAIT To Get Started With YOU

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